miércoles, 13 de julio de 2016

The Latin Music Sucks/ Ritmo Latino Rules: D

Music in Latin American 

if you wanna hear the song called tu calor by Julieta venegas 
Hello world, it’s me again in this post I want to talk about the music in Latin-American, yeah the people in other country’s says the Spanish music or Latin music it’s no enough good  like the English music, I think so maybe because in Mexico or Latin-American there so many singer without talent or they can’t sing good in live streaming but the different countries have a singer like rock stars or beautiful woman or boy bands or girl bands anyways, the most important, when you make a song or write the lyrics is your inspiration and how the thing you feel in this moment, practically is like how you capture the good moments or bad moments so if you live in French  or Colombia or Mexico, USA the most important is feel the song 

"sorry i try best my job but sorry i try speak in english :D but i can't  "

 I don’t but the music is universality and isn’t not important if you can speak Spanish or when I hear music in coreano music specific this song called 옥수사진관 - 쉬운얘기 because, I like the corean music there so many song I like and I don’t know what the lyrics says but I can imagine what the lyrics in the song say and I think is the exactly passed when the English speaker did  when hear a good song in Spanish and they can’t sing or understand what the song say, so I like write in this blog because is like my daily and I can say all thing I probability I can’t say other people no really I always say the thing that I want.
"the youth in latin america is cool and fresh "
The Latin music in the world well, you know there some many artists like Shakira " la loba" or Rickymartin " la vida loca ": D or Paulina Rubio "Don't Say Goodbye" she Mexican singer… only in México she is famous  but the Latin music showed the world how can made dance music and the Latin music it’s about party’s and dances, there so many singer made a good music in Latin America and the best part is not dance music or dance music.

like Zoe the perfect indie rock "Nada" or Pxndx with "Narcisista por excelencia ", Julieta Venegas and the perfect pop "lento", Natalia Laforcarde and her " En el 2000" old mexican song, Café Tacuba and their romantic song "Eres" well this singer and band are amazing I think probability enjoy hear their  song. The part or this music is not about parties or how we drunk can or anything’s is about sad feeling or funny moments.
How explain to the world the Latin American music is good well I supposed its type music like the people or maybe they prefer other rhythm’s or sound, but I think if the Americanos or Spain people or French people can hear Spanish- latin music maybe they enchanted for our music.

Hambre / are you hungry for music: D .

So the most important in the music is like how feel in this moment, yeah, when you take your IPod and play the funny, sad songs, it really good when you hear music and feel better because in the moment you can forget the hurt and pain you feel in this moment for ex-boyfriend or girlfriend , or if you have a happy moment you dance in our room or house, anyways the music is important and the language is not care, if you feel the sound so let dance, move the body because in latin American  have the best move body’s.
So the first video is from Chile and last day I hear the song, I think OMG! Hhaha this song make dance and sing wow lovely but isn’t no English song is strange, yeah I don’t know if the other people like this song but I feel happy when I hear the song.

The song is type dance with the lyrics say hambre in English is like you are hungry, but don’t scared because the people in latin American don’t eat human haha really but the video is about eat a men, but the message in the video or lyrics is all people need people made happy sometimes we found bad people so that people can’t made happy, but we can found good people can make happy.
In the video there a strange girl called Wendy Sulca she is so famous in Peru and she have many funny videos on YouTube  maybe would do you like see some videos from her :D click here :D.

Fatal x20 :D / this music is  f#$%&ck shit but is good.

Well my second video is fatal from some boy in Argentina yeah he is so handsome, but he is so young and hot in my opinion: D. the first time I hear the song, I watched a video in YouTube about my favorite girl called PATRICIA CAELIKE.
The song is about a boy love a some girl and practically he all-time says “fatal fatal fatal” in the English language is “BAD” or “wrong“  this word in Spanish is like explain you are bad for love in this case is about love but seriously yeah maybe in sometimes we have love or anything but really really ?
We can sing song and repeat one word in all song well welcome to fatal by Julian.

There no official video in YouTube but I found the full song in video so called love and there is a handsome boy sing the song and the lyrics is simple and I can’t say so many things but finally the music in this video and song make dance and I feel sexy and hot when I hear so kill me:D.
so take some time to hear latin music and enjoy 
la musica es una de las grandes pasiones, cuando escuchamos un ritmo o cantamos el simplemente hecho de hacerlo nos contagia una emocion, que nos hace olvidar un momento los problemas de vida.
so the next time :D el proximo versus sera PULP vs BABASONICOS hay muchas similitudes entres estas bandas XD XD.

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